
Step 5 is all about using an essence. Essences are lightweight and highly concentrated, they help to nourish and hydrate the skin. They are designed to be used after toner, to help boost hydration and help the other products in your routine to be more effective.

Part of our Skincare Guide

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Frequently Asked Questions

Essence is a cornerstone of Korean skincare. It's a lightweight but concentrated formula designed to deeply hydrate and nourish the skin, as well as prepare it for subsequent skincare products. Essences often include active ingredients that target specific skin concerns, such as fine lines or dull skin.

Yes, Essences are generally suitable for all skin types. They are available in various formulas, each targeting different skin concerns. It's important to select an essence that matches your skin's needs for optimal benefits.

Essences can provide deep hydration, assist with cell turnover, and help combat various skin issues such as aging signs, uneven skin tone, or lack of firmness. They enhance the effectiveness of your other skincare products by preparing your skin to better absorb them.

After cleansing and toning, apply the essence to your skin. You can dispense it into your hands and gently pat it onto your face and neck. Once it's absorbed, you can proceed with serums or ampoules, if you use them, and then a moisturizer.

While both are water-based and aim to hydrate the skin, Essence is typically more concentrated with active ingredients. It's designed to penetrate deeper into the skin, providing more noticeable benefits.

Yes! Essence is designed to be a part of your daily skincare routine and should be applied after cleansing and toning but before applying serums, moisturizers, and other treatment products.